"Smile an ever lasting smile,
A smile can bring you near to me;
Don't ever let me find you gone,
Because that would bring a tear to me
It's only words,
And words are all I have
To take your heart away "
Hi there, it's been a whole year (356 days actually) since my last post. Well, I've been fairly busy. To the extent that I almost forgot I did make a blog, but hey, I'm still here and not down for the count. From 2nd semester of my 1st year in the College of Engineering to the 2nd semester of my 2nd year in the CPU College of Engineering. It's been a tough year all around, had my ups and downs (even until this right very day). Hehe. It's life. All I can do is keep on smiling. Smiling when I am in pain or smiling when I am in utmost enjoyment. Those are two different things but it really helps in both situations. I don't know why but smiling helps me get rid of stresses. It makes me feel a tiny bit better even though I had just experienced something agonizing. It leads me to know that there is still HOPE. Hope for the coming of a better thing.
As I start my blog of anythingandeverything, I just hope that someone out there is also trying to smile even though it hurts. Everything in this world starts and ends with a smile.
One smile can change the views of the whole world. A natural stress reliever and pain killer, it also boosts your immune system. Be relaxed, try it. Smile! Don't forget to smile at the camera (Still aspiring to be a photographer). Hey, I smiled while laughing at myself. See, it helped.

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